How do I get a UK scriptwriting agent? As a busy UK script consultant, I get asked this a lot.
Here’s some quick advice.
1. You need a great ‘calling card script’. An original script, written to showcase your talent, and individual voice as a scriptwriter. It needs to be flawlessly written and really POP on the page.
2. A script writing competition win or decent placement helps attract agents
3. A commission from a production company or broadcaster – if you have a deal on the table already (before you have an agent) agents will line up to help negotiate the deal for you (especially if you have 1 or 2 above as WELL)
As well as 1,2,3 above, you also need to approach the agent with a professional attitude. You need to have some understanding of the business and how it works. An agent is there to secure you work, and regular commissions, if you’re not willing to write for any existing regular TV shows, you may run into trouble getting an agent.
Research the agent you approach, some specialise in comedy writers; others have lots of writers working on soaps or serial dramas. Some agents have clients working regularly on children’s TV or animation. Do a bit of research first.
Script coverage is vital for success
Never send a script to an agent without having a professional script consultant do a script report or script coverage first. Agents are unlikely to take a second look at submissions which fall below standards – so get a script report done before you SUBMIT.
And finally, it’s basic common sense, but only approach one or two agents at A TIME, and WAIT to get a response from both agents first. If you scattergun every agent in the UK, you’ll get on their nerves.
If you need a bit more advice I’ve written another blogpost on approaching script writing agents with unsolicited submissions.
Good luck!
Here are the agents:
Alan Brodie Representation
Berlin Associates
Blake Friedmann Literary Agency
Casarotto Ramsay & Associates / Casarotto Marsh Ltd
Cecily Ware Literary Agents
Collective Talent
Culverhouse Associates
Curtis Brown
Darley Anderson Literary Agency
David Higham Associates
Dench Arnold
Elaine Steel Management
Gemma Hirst Associates
Imagine Talent
Independent Talent
ICM (International Creative Management)
JAB Management
Janet Fillingham Associates
JFL Agency
Julia Tyrrell Management
Ki Agency
Kitson Press Associates
Knight Hall Agency
Linda Seifert Management
Lisa Richards Agency
MBA Literary Agency
Micheline Steinberg Associates
Nick Turner Management
**Revolution Talent – new addition
Rochelle Stevens & Co
Sayle Screen
Sheil Land Associates
Smart Talent
SoloSon Media
Tennyson Agency
The Agency
United Agents
Valerie Hoskins Associates
Victoria Lepper Associates
Vivienne Clore Talent Agency
William Morris Agency
Matthew Cooper has been a scriptwriter for hire, UK Script editor and UK script consultant for over 20 years. He’s written for most of the UK soaps, including writing award-winning episodes of Emmerdale, EastEnders, Hollyoaks and Family Affairs and has been BAFTA shortlisted and Royal Television Society nominated as a script writer. His UK script coverage service, Script reading service and script development service are highly sought after.
You can find some of his broadcast credits on the IMDb.
His directorial debut, the rubber reality horror thriller Markham was released in 2020. You can find out more about Matthew’s work as a director here.