I’ve just published the first in a new series of blogposts subtitled Industrial Scripts.
This series is designed to give new scriptwriters help navigating the industry and assist them when they’re looking for quality feedback on their scripts in the form of a script report or script coverage – from a fully qualified script consultant instead of nameless readers (a partial list of my IMDb credits are here – so you know who you’re dealing with – which is kind of the point).
Over the next few months as a professional script writer for hire, Script Doctor and UK Script Consultant with a career spanning over twenty years – right back to Ewan McGregor’s first short film, I have a lot of advice to give on the script writing industry.
My career has taken in feature films, shorts, and a long stint working on serial dramas and soaps. I’ve been Bafta shortlisted and Royal Television Society nominated as a script writer.
I like to give realistic advice to new script writers – and I hope that this series of blogposts, will give new screenwriters a real taste of how the world of film and TV actually works.
Included in this series, will be a free book – very much about the business aspects of working in the UK film and TV industry. I’ll be publishing the book (over 90 pages) on this website in the coming months, where visitors will be able to take in my advice free of charge.
Read – Industrial Scripts – blogpost one.
Read – Industrial Scripts – blogpost two.
Read – Industrial Scripts – blogpost three.
Read – Industrial Scripts – blogpost four
- You can also read my ebook ‘The UK Scriptwriter Soap writing handbook’ for free here.
Better than other script consultants
You can read more about what sets me apart from other script consultants in this blogpost. The main take-away from all this is that feedback, is only any good, if you know who you’re getting the feedback from.
A positive reaction to your writing is great (from anyone, even a faceless reader) but its hard to get perspective if you don’t know the level of experience the person who is reading your script has. Postive feedback from someone with 20+ years experience as a scriptwriter means so much more, as the feedback is qualified.
Of course, this works the other way too. If I have negative things to say about your writing, at least you know that my negative feedback comes from a professional, qualified perspective – how can you take negative feedback from a faceless reader? What experience do they have? To judge your work?
Advice for new scriptwriters
If you’ve wound up on this page as a rookie scriptwriter looking for help with script coverage, the following blogposts contain some advice from me and might be useful:
- TV script submissions UK – where to send your script in the UK – can you submit scripts to the BBC?
Scriptwriting agents UK–complete list with links and submission advice
- You can also read my ebook ‘The UK Scriptwriter Soap writing handbook’ for free here.
Contact Script Consultant UK
My honest in-depth and comprehensive advice as a professional script writer and leading UK script consultant isn’t too pricey either.
Prices are as follows:
- Short film script report £50
- TV drama up to one hour script report £80
- Feature film script report £120
If you’re looking for the UK’s best script coverage or screenplay analysis services, stop right now and pull up a chair for a one-to-one with a professional BAFTA nominated scriptwriter. Don’t bother, wasting time and money with anonymous readers, or faceless notes from someone with questionable experience when you can have advice, help and an in-depth script report from a genuine professional.
I’m also, friendly, happy to chat and exchange TV and film writing war stories (I can bore on a bit about my experiences!)

And, (this is more important that you think) – I always treat all writers at all level of experience with courtesy and respect. It costs nothing to be kind (although it’s often forgotten in film and TV).
And below is my showreel:
There aren’t many script coverage services that show examples of their own work for the screen.
Contact me on – matcoop23@yahoo.co.uk – you know it makes sense.