The BBC Writersroom has announced script submission dates for its hotly contested Open Call for Comedy and Drama scripts.
As a leading UK Script Consultant I’d say this Writersroom Open Call for Scripts is probably the BEST OPPORTUNITY for scriptwriters looking for their big break in UK TV.
BBC Writersroom Open Call
I keep an eye on the BBC Writersroom submission window as it always turns out to be the busiest time for my highly in demand script reading service.
Professional feedback
My script reading service gives professional feedback on your script, to help the you improve the screenplay before anyone else sees it. My script report’s highlight strengths and weaknesses and pinpoint changes that will help take the script to the next level – usually before you submit it to anyone.
I provide page by page notes on all aspects of the script, from basic storytelling through to dialogue, character, motivation, plotting and structure. The reports are the most comprehensive on the market, I’m told – which is what you would expect when your script is being read and assessed by a working pro scriptwriter.
BBC Writersroom’s initiatives
I’ve written before about submitting a script to the BBC Writersroom and specifically about submitting a sitcom to the BBC Writersroom.
Writers wanting to make the best impression on BBC readers use my script report service to take their scripts to a higher level. Remember, you’ll only get one chance to impress with BBC Writersroom, and getting informed and useful feedback first is a good idea.
Even professional scriptwriters like me use a valued reader to pinpoint any issues before I send off a first or second draft to a producer or director.
Getting a script report from a professional writer doesn’t have to cost an arm or a leg either. Click here to for my script coverage fees and charges.
BBC Writersroom Open Call Closing dates
It’s not unusual for the BBC drama room to get 5000+ entries for each window. Indeed, in 2017 the BBC confirms that 4000 scripts got read, and only 33 progressed to the next stage – I think there were 6 winners – 4,000 down to six. That’s long odds. So getting professional feedback on your script before you submit is a good idea.
The Head of New Writing at the BBC Writersroom Jess Loveland has written a blogpost that explains the Writersroom’s primary focus is to develop people rather than projects. The Writersroom’s remit is to look for people who are talented scriptwriters and develop them so that they can start a professional career on BBC shows like Eastenders and Casualty which need a steady influx of new and enthusiastic scriptwriters.
Shows like Casualty and Eastenders pay pretty well – and that sort of show is a great environment to develop professional skills and a reputation as a TV dramatist. Winners of schemes like the ‘Writersroom’s Open Call’ usually find it easier to land an agent to represent them and their work (it’s always easier to land an agent if you have a commission from a BBC show on the table already).
So, this is a great chance to get your script read, and show the BBC you have what it takes to be a professional script writer.
According to the BBC Writersroom the window for DRAMA and COMEDY DRAMA scripts will be open from Thursday 9th December 2021 to Thursday 13th January 2022.
That means that my services will be heavily in demand during this period (alongside my work as a script writer for hire )– so, it’s best to get in touch as early as you can. My turn around on script reports is two to three weeks – but I can often make extra time during busy periods.
If you’d like to enquire about my script report service – please email me on – matcoop23@yahoo.co.uk – I just want to help you give it your best shot.
Matthew Cooper has been a script writer for hire and UK script consultant for over 20 years. He’s written for most of the UK soaps, including writing award-winning episodes of Emmerdale, EastEnders, Hollyoaks and Family Affairs and has been BAFTA shortlisted and Royal Television Society nominated as a script writer.
His directorial debut, the rubber reality horror thriller ‘Markham’ was released in 2020, his second feature film as director ‘At The Mountains Of Madness’ hit the screen in 2021. You can find out more about Matthew’s work as a director here.
You can find some of his broadcast credits on the IMDb.